4 Tattooed Silver Foxes We Need to Talk About Right Now


4 Tattooed Silver Foxes We Need to Talk About Right Now

4 Tattooed Silver Foxes We Need to Talk About Right Now

Nick Wooster

Nick Wooster’s nickname is “the alpha male of American street style,” and rightfully so. He started out as a retailer before progressing to a fashion advisor. He’s now a free agent with tons of fans who are dying to replicate his aesthetic. Rumor has it that when you look up “DILF” in the dictionary, you’ll find Wooster’s headshot in lieu of an actual verbal definition.

Alessandro Manfredini

This Italian gent has a knack for modeling and a beard that can cure cancer. He’s fashion scene paid and not afraid to experiment with all of the hipster trends, despite the fact that he’s almost fifty. Most importantly, he’s a hard ten with enough ink to reassure you that yours will look dynamite in thirty years.

#bearporn #beardlove #love #fashion #silver #king #inkilt #kilt #tattoo #oldschooltattoo #dandy #style #alessandromanfredini #beard #gilet

A photo posted by Alessandro Manfredini (@alessandro_manfredini) on

Miles Better

Miles is a tattoo artist, model, and bonafide hottie living in London. He’s also the recipient of my heart because oh my god, have you seen this guy’s face? He’s a fantastic tattooist but you have to wait approximately five thousand years to get an appointment, presumably because the masses are all waiting in line to catch a glimpse of him.

If I were a man, my goals would be: this man lmao #milesbetter

A photo posted by Ashleigh (@_aemreynolds) on

Winter Steez on its way #lewisleathers photo credit @mrelbank

A photo posted by Miles Chappers (@miles_fst) on

Me and JT #fst

A photo posted by Miles Chappers (@miles_fst) on

Haircut at @bikeshedmc today @frank_glorified thanks mate

A photo posted by Miles Chappers (@miles_fst) on

Herbert Hoffmann

Herbert wasn’t exactly a fox towards the end of his life, but we don’t blame him because the dude lived to be 91. This German artist still receives a mention, however, because he was the epitome of vintage tattoo artistry. He also dabbled in photography and even inspired a book and documentary film. Nowadays he can be seen in badass black and white Instagram throwbacks, with good reason.

#randompicofinspiration #herberthoffmann

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