Good News, Boys: Study Finds That the Majority of Women See Tattoos as a Turn On

boy stands with black shirt and tattoo on hands

There are lots of stigmas when it comes to tattoos. If you ask your grandparents, they might tell you that men with tattoos are deadbeats who worship Satan and do hard drugs. If you ask a twenty-something single woman, however, she’ll most likely tell you that men with tattoos are just what the doctor ordered.

The dating app “Type,” (which I have never heard of but plan to turn to for my next inked interest), conducted a survey on women, men, tattoos, and attractiveness. They found that 64% of women stated a preference for men who have body art. That’s right, a whopping 2/3 of women would rather mingle with a dude if he had some pretty body art to distract from his general awfulness.

The study also found that only 39 percent of men expressed interest in women with tattoos, which tells me that the other 61% either lied, or are too terrified of their mothers’ opinions to bring home a tattooed woman. Either way, to this particular statistic, I say boo. Do better, science.

So if you feel like you’ve had shit luck in the dating department, it might not have anything to do with your lack of confidence, or bad hygiene, or the fact that you eat Taco Bell four days a week and still send your ex “I miss us” texts. Feel free to blame it on the numbers and decide that you simply don’t have enough tattoos. Then hit up Platinum Ink to give your love life a much-needed boost.